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Give yourself a break and trust your academic papers
to our top-rated custom writing service!

  • Completely confidential
  • Plagiarism free
  • Delivered on time or your money back!
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Our Guarantees

100% Confidential & Secure
Your privacy is our top priority. Submit your instructions and order research papers safely. Third parties will never know about it.
Delivered On-Time or It’s FREE
We know how important it is to submit your assignment on time. We guarantee that your order will be delivered on time or your money back!
High-Level Quality Assurance
We check every paper with advanced plagiarism detection tools and have expert proofreaders revise it to satisfy all requirements and standards of academic writing.
Money Back Guarantee
If you believe that your paper doesn’t address the topic or follow your instructions - we’ll revise it free of charge until you are completely satisfied, or give you a full refund otherwise.

What We Offer

100% Custom written papers
We write all custom papers from scratch following your individual instructions and using credible sources for research. All our works are guaranteed to meet the highest standards of academic writing.
60+ Disciplines and subjects covered
From Accounting to World Literature - you name it! We employ experienced writers with M.A and higher degrees - in nearly every academic discipline.
Real-time order tracking
Keep up with your order progress, chat with your writer, upload any supporting materials and download your paper when it’s ready – all from your personal account!
24/7 Writing assistance
We offer flexible delivery options ranging from 20 days to 12 hrs. Our writers’ team is on standby to help you with your last-minute assignment, even if it’s due tomorrow!
Complete and accurate formatting
We deliver your paper fully researched and properly referenced following the latest edition of APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard or any other citation style.
Pricing as low as $9/page
Whether you are writing a high school essay or a final project presentation, we’ve got you covered! The price of our custom writing service starts from just $9/page.

How It Works

Place Your Order
Fill in the order form with your assignment instructions, choose the delivery date and complete your payment securely with PayPal.
Track Progress
Monitor your order progress, upload the supporting materials, communicate with your writer and have a complete control over the writing process.
Get notified once your paper is ready and download it from your personal account. In case it needs further adjustments, request a free revision!

Why Choose Us

From idea to final draft, you get a great price, great service, and an on-time delivery guarantee.
Trusted by over 6000 customers worldwide
More than 6 000 students are already using our custom writing service, over 80% among them are returning. We are here to be your best friends all the way to a successful graduation! No judging, no prejudice, just professional help!
4.5/5 average customer rating
High quality of work isn’t our only advantage. A personal touch and individual attention to each project is what makes our research paper writing service stand out. We are proud to have garnered trust and high rating from many grateful clients!
400+ academic writers on the team
Beyond the classroom, not all college professors bother to provide comprehensive guidelines for successfully completing your project. Our degreed subject-matter experts are ready to be your smart fellow travelers all the way out to higher education!
97% of orders delivered on time
We are here to meet your deadlines! So, when a last-minute homework assignment pops up, don’t hesitate to reach out asking: “Can you write my paper by tomorrow?” We sure can! Our research paper help is available 24/7.
8/10 students report higher grades
Work or family commitments may prevent students from achieving their academic goals. Fortunately, 8 out of 10 students who trust their writing assignments, report higher grades and feel more confident in their academic future.
Have an assignment to do?
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  • Essay
  • Research paper
  • Term paper
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  • Research paper
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  • Research paper
  • Term paper
  • Essay
  • Research paper
  • Term paper
  • Essay
  • Research paper
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What Customers Say

Columbia, Missouri | 2016-12-09
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Research paper, Culture, Undergraduate
Boardman, Oregon | 2017-07-29
Paper is good, and the bibliography page will make it an excellent paper since I did not write the paper I need to know where you got the facts. Thanks!
Research paper, History, Graduate
Middletown, Connecticut | 2017-11-02
Well written, very pleased with outcome of the paper. I will be using this service again. Thanks
Essay, History, Undergraduate
Norfolk, Virginia | 2018-01-30
your turnaround on my revision is marvelous. i will lok at in full detail tommorrow ,but thank you ! you all are fantastic!
Assignment, Education, Graduate
Teaneck, New Jersey | 2018-02-08
I would consider using in the future. My paper was completed on time and I'm very satisfied with the quality of the paper. Great job!
Analysis, Sociology, Undergraduate
Tampa, Florida | 2018-02-21
I received a 195 out of 200, my teacher was so impressed and the paper I requested was 4 pages shorter then the teacher was requiring!!!! You truly helped me out, thank you so much.
Research paper, Advertising, Undergraduate
Fulton, Maryland | 2018-04-07
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Essay, Nursing, Graduate

Pricing Options

High School
Standard writing assignments written in simple English.
Best for high school juniors and seniors.
from $9/page
Scientific research and advanced level of writing.
Best for associate and bachelor’s students
from $9/page
Advanced writing performed with a scholarly approach.
Best for master’s and doctoral students
from $9/page
Professional writing that seeks to elicit a business response.
Best for job seekers and business professionals.
from $9/page

Included FREE With Every Order

Title and reference page
The title page and reference page formatted according to the appropriate citation style. These pages do not count towards the length of your paper and are included free of charge.
Citation style formatting
Our writers are fully versed in all major formatting styles such as Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and APA. You will get a properly cited and perfectly formatted paper ready for submission.
Expert proofreading
Each work performed by our writers undergoes strict quality control and gets polished to perfection by one of our expert proofreaders before it is delivered to your account.
Originality report
Every work is thoroughly checked with the best plagiarism detection tools to exclude any chance of plagiarism. Detailed originality report is provided with every order – free of charge.
Unlimited revisions
You have a unique opportunity to refine the paper after receiving feedback from your professor. Request the unlimited number of revisions – until you are completely satisfied!
24/7 live support
For any questions or inquiries related to our service, you may contact us by phone, email, or online chat. Our customer support line is available 24/7 to assist you in any way possible.

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Your One Stop Destination for Professional Custom Writing Help

Fast Turnaround
Had a hectic day and just remembered about your homework 24 hrs before it’s due? Didn’t have time to write your term paper because of work? That last-minute deadline rush is always stressful, to say the least… But don’t worry! Now you can get a professional research paper help available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – literally at your fingertips!
Degreed writers on hand
Seasoned professionals and degreed authors with at least 3 years of academic writing experience are ready to be your smart fellow travelers all the way out to higher education! In-depth knowledge of the subject and attention to detail are guaranteed! Besides, you get to choose the same writer who’s already written your works - to retain the writing style.
Tailored to your needs
You have specific essay requirements, an extensive list of references, and the most demanding teacher ever? Need something written that’s not listed in our services? No problem! With our highly competent research paper writers and personal writing approach everything is possible! Just drop us a line on what you’d like, the chances are we will be able to help!
Predictable pricing
The price of our academic writing service is based on the difficulty of your order (academic level), delivery date and the number of pages to be written. We strive to maintain a healthy balance between paying our writers competitive rewards and maintaining the operational costs - so we could offer our clients a quality service at a reasonable.

Profiles of Our Writers

We employ the best research paper writers in the industry and use the latest scholarly sources – to provide students with top-quality writing assistance. Our dedicated writers’ team is available 24x7 to assist with your academic assignments, so you can relax and have a good night sleep even if your paper is due tomorrow!
Dr. Amy 53
Prof. Thomas 699
Evan_the_Writer 928
Lizzy_Researcher 1459
Master Allen 735

4-Step Quality Assurance

Quality means a world to us. We spare no effort to make your custom research papers perfect. This is why your draft undergoes strict quality control before it gets delivered.
Plagiarism Check
Every custom written paper is checked thoroughly by our Quality Assurance team using the best plagiarism detection tools. We guarantee our work to be written from scratch and 100% plagiarism-free, otherwise we refund your money. Anti-plagiarism proof report is provided with every order – free of charge.
Expert Proofreading
Before we upload a final copy to your account, our Quality Assurance team performs a thorough checkup on the content, grammar, punctuation and proper referencing of your paper according to accepted academic standards and up-to-date citation guidelines for MLA, APA, Chicago or any other chosen style.
Compliance with Order Instructions
Our Quality Assurance team reviews every custom paper for compliance with your order instructions and any specific requirements included in the comments field. We ensure that all assignment deliverables are in place. In-depth approach and high attention to detail are guaranteed!
Unlimited Revisions
Our support doesn't stop when we deliver your custom paper. If you feel that it requires further adjustments or you want to refine it after receiving your professor’s feedback, feel free to request free revisions as long as they refer to your original instructions. We are always ready to go the extra mile to ensure you get the highest marks!

Samples of Our Papers

Ineffectiveness of Sex Offender Registry
Type of paper:
Response paper
Difficulty level:
Citation style:
Number of pages:
Strategic Alliances and Outsourcing
Type of paper:
Research paper
Difficulty level:
Citation style:
Number of pages:
Information Networks and BI
Type of paper:
Case study
Difficulty level:
Citation style:
Number of pages:
The Industry of Modern Day Toys
Type of paper:
Research paper
Difficulty level:
Citation style:
Number of pages:

Confidentiality Guarantee

We are concerned about privacy of our clients and safe environment on our website. Your confidentiality is our main priority and will be protected to the highest degree.
Any communication with your writer is
All payment methods are 100% secure and
protected by latest encryption technologies.
All your personal information remains confidential. No
outsider will ever know you contacted us.

Frequently Asked Questions

I need a paper on the same day. Can you write it for me?

Yes. We can help you write a custom paper of Undergraduate or Graduate level if you need it within 12 hours. It’s our minimum turnaround time. Under these circumstances, the total volume for your order should not exceed 5-6 pages.

However, please consider that even the best research paper writer needs time to make a paper well researched and thoroughly proofread. So, try planning your orders ahead of time – to avoid the last-minute rush.

What makes you different from other custom writing companies?

For almost 20 years we've been providing trustworthy and reliable academic writing service to students from all corners of the world. Strong educational background and years of experience in academic writing make our research paper writers stand against the crowd of amateurs.

Our authors helped students of Harvard University and other Ivy League schools. In fact, our dedicated team has now written over 20 000 customized term papers, research papers and essays for History, Sociology, Political Science, Marketing, Management and many other disciplines of academic curriculum.

Who will work on my paper?

Our team is comprised of highly educated, skilled and experienced research paper writers ready to assist with your assignments on any subject and of any type. Be sure that our academic experts, who have previously completed hundreds of research papers, term papers and essays, are fully versed to provide you with authentic and plagiarism-free custom papers of any academic level and difficulty.

What if I’m dissatisfied with the paper I get?

The paper doesn’t comply with your original instructions? Or contains some instances of plagiarism that our software failed to detect?

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the custom research paper you received, or your instructions have not been strictly followed and you would like to have your draft adjusted and revised - you are entitled to the unlimited number of free revisions. We’ll keep revising the paper to your liking - until you're completely satisfied!

Is your academic writing service confidential?

Clients call us trusted research paper writing service for a good reason. Our company guarantees full protection of your personal data and respect for the confidentiality of your transactions on our website. Privacy is our number one priority that we hold dear.

There is no way to track down the origin of your paper. The reasons are both our Privacy Policy and 100% ORIGINAL custom writing service we deliver. Nobody will ever know you have ordered a paper from our service or even were interested in purchasing one.

How much does your academic essay writing help cost?

Our professional research paper writers expect a fair reward for their job, so we must keep abreast of market prices in order to retain the top academic experts in the field. To maintain a healthy balance between the quality and cost of our custom paper writing service and make it more affordable to our clients, we offer a range of time-sensitive delivery options and base our pricing on the volume, deadline and academic level of the requested assignment.

For instant price quote on your research paper or essay, please use our price calculator at the bottom of the page or submit a free inquiry by email. Feel free to check our Prices page for all types of services we offer, as well as different delivery options and currently available discounts.

How can I get in touch with my writer?

Anonymous chat with your writer is available inside of your Order page, after you sign in to your account. Simply click the ‘Messages’ tab at the top of your Order Details page and feel free to ask your writer for any clarifying questions or updates about your order.

To make your communication comfortable and fast, we send notifications about new messages to your email.

Where is your custom paper writing service located?

Our service originated in Skillman, NJ. However, after recent global disruption caused by COVID-19 pandemic, we have moved to a work-from-home model and see it as viable long-term option due to digital nature of our service.

Still Have Questions?
Find answers on our FAQ page or contact our 24/7 Customer Support.

Calculate your order

From idea to final draft, you get a great price, great service, and an on-time delivery guarantee.
100% Confidential & Secure
60+ Disciplines and Subjects
Plagiarism Free Papers
Up-to-date Formatting
400+ Degreed Writers
Delivered On-Time or It’s FREE
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Estimated total: 354$
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